Burnout is not a new concept among healthcare professionals. Though the rate of burnout (marked by mental and physical exhaustion following prolonged stress) may vary by specialty, no healthcare profession is immune. However, early results from a pilot program conducted by Duke University suggests that wellness coaching in the health sector not only reduces the likelihood of experiencing burnout, but may also increase the quality of the care that participants are able to provide to their patients.
Personal Impact
Physicians who participated in the pilot program published by the Journal of Family Medicine reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety after between 3 and 8 sessions with a wellness coach. Focusing primarily on self-care, participants learned that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. According to one wellness coach,
“One thing the coaching helped to clarify is that without good personal care their [the participants’] work actually suffered.”
Professional Impact
The positive impact of wellness coaching in the health sector is great news for patients as well. After participating in the wellness coaching pilot program which also stressed creative problem-solving and active listening skills, one physician explained,
“When I work with a patient, it’s not just a patient with lung disease, it’s a patient with all of these same dimensions of their life that I have. So I think it just broadens my own focus on wellness.”
Are you a professional in the health sector experiencing burnout, or are you interested in the personal and professional benefits of wellness coaching? Please contact us.