Recipe: Anti-Inflammatory Quinoa

Recipe: Anti-Inflammatory Quinoa

RECIPE: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY QUINOA Here’s a quick and easy anti-inflammatory recipe from me to you.  Delish! Broccoli and red capsicum – I pack these two super-healthy vegetables together in this week’s recipe, as well as turmeric for a 1-2-3 punch to...
The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health

The Stress Mess: How It Messes With Your Health

THE STRESS MESS: HOW IT MESSES WITH YOUR HEALTH Ahhh, the “stress mess.” Does stress make you feel a bit off?  Do you notice negative health effects when stress is at its worst? Maybe it affects your sleep or maybe you get sick more often. There’s no...
Reducing Inflammation During Menopause With These Key Foods

Reducing Inflammation During Menopause With These Key Foods

REDUCING INFLAMMATION DURING MENOPAUSE WITH THESE KEY FOODS INFLAMMATION! INFLAMMATION! INFLAMMATION! This topic seems to be absolutely everywhere these days. Who in the health and wellness field is NOT talking about inflammation? Some say it’s the root cause of all...
The gut-brain connection

The gut-brain connection

THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION You know that you can have gastrointestinal symptoms when you’re stressed or nervous, right?  We’ve all experienced that. You may have also heard about the “gut-brain connection.”  That your gastrointestinal system, lovingly called...